Sunday, 1 July 2012

Biding time until holidays

It felt like a long slog to complete progress reports this term, but not as complex and lengthy as in Canada. I'm so relieved that they are done!
Erin and Thomas arrived nearly two weeks ago, filling a worrisome void I have felt since we left home 6 months ago. I am delighted to see them here! Gina has been much happier and Kees has some renewed vigor for showing them around a bit. There isn't a lot to see nearby, but they have seemed content with enjoying home life, after 2 months on the road. Tom has impressed us with his cooking skills and Erin has rested well, slept late and enjoyed the ease of a simple routine, where tea and fruit is always at hand.

We enjoyed an evening of dinner and games at James and Manuela Lanahan's place last Friday. It was a spontaneously fun night of tasty tidbits and silliness. We played Taboo and pool, while some sang karaoke and I cycled in the exercise bike. Something for all! We really enjoyed their relaxed company and warm hospitality and look forward to reciprocating some fine day.
Saturday we left Gina at home to sleep in late, while we took Erin and Tom on a drive to Bunbury for a spot of shopping and a bit of fish and chips. Not the best weather or the most interesting drive, but we saw the ocean and managed a beach walk before the 2 hour drive back. It was a relatively uneventful diversion, but better than a day at home of laundry!
The week passed without much excitement. We joined PETA Hanley and her Boddinton pals for an evening of pizza at the Williams Pub on Tuesday. That was nice! Tom made pizza the next night, too. Yum. One needs ways to wear off carbs, really! Driving to work each day allows no room for burning calories at all. Dullsville, but it must be done.
Perhaps next term I can work a regular swim into the routine. Cycling club has been less appealing in the winter fog. We haven't been home most weekends, anyway, so I have missed a few Saturday rides lately.
Holiday adventures cannot come soon enough!

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