A new me has been seen in Williams this past weekend, similar in looks but wearing heavier make-up and projecting dialogue quite determinedly. My fling with live theatre has come and gone, without any talent scouts beating a path to my dressing room door. The good news is that, with the support of five other cast members, sound and light crew and an energetic catering staff, we managed to entertain about 400 people over two nights. No rotten produce was flung my way, nor were there any boos, hisses or loud catcalls apparent. It may have helped that the bar stayed open to serve our audience throughout the evenings, but who's to say that made a considerable difference? By all reports, our performances were a success. Now that the challenge of learning lines and rehearsals twice a week is over, I am going to miss it a bit, but I am glad to have it behind me. Polishing the performance as we developed our characters was finally rewarded with audience laughter and applause, mostly at the intended moments. The absolute highlight for me was not enjoyed during any public performances, however. That came much later, when Kees shared with me some
video clips of what had actually transpired on stage. Seeing myself perform rather surprised me, as every move and nuance that had occurred was captured on film, undeniable proof of my goofy expressions and shameless reactions to other actors on stage. I look heavier than I'd like to, dammit! And older. But it was not all bad. My hair was glossier under bright lights than I ever knew it could be. I like the way my new black boots looked, so flippantly dancing with abandon. But what cheek I had! We laughed until the tears streamed down our faces, with a mixture relief and disbelief at what I had done. In public. Voluntarily. Okay, I admit to having some fun....but, really who was that??? And where has she been all these years?

I guess I haven't embarrassed my immediate family too much, as Kees and Gina both seem a wee bit pleased with the dramatic production, but it seemed as if Mother Nature herself wasn't wanting to be upstaged. I do wish that violent storm hadn't blown into town late Sunday afternoon, knocking out power for four hours and causing trees to come crashing down over several roads. Reports of winds up to 120km/hour were recorded in the area. It was most inconvenient, effectively postponing our planned cast party. Even if roads had become passable, the local pub had no way to cook and serve our dinner celebration. Nor could I get to work efficiently on progress reports online as I had intended, golly gee, without power. Resourceful as ever, Kees made us hot drinks on the propane stove in the camper van. We enjoyed our "emergency supplies" of munchies and spent a pleasant evening playing a rollicking game of Scrabble by candle light. Just the three of us. We made a very fine picture of cozy contentment, if Kees had cared to record it. Gina beat me by five points.
It was certainly a memorable weekend. I'm sure that we'll never have another one quite like it!
Good on ya!! I can definitely see your artistic nature and dramatic flair! That storm was powerful and glad to hear you are all ok!